14 Personality Traits of People Who Make a Positive Difference in the World
Do you want to make a positive difference in the world? There are many little things you can do to make the world a better place and even careers that benefit society.
But what about reaching for the stars? Imagine founding your own nonprofit, or organizing an event to support a great cause? How about getting hired for a leadership position at your favorite nonprofit?
These are not easy goals to achieve, but they’re entirely possible. The first step is to learn about the personality traits required to attain your goals. The second step is to practice those traits until they become an integral part of who you are. Without further ado, here are the 14 personality traits of people who make positive differences in the world.
1. Drive
Success cannot be achieved without an indomitable drive to attain your goals.
2. Willpower
Willpower is the fuel that gives you drive. Willpower gives you the strength to see things through even if obstacles stand in your way.
3. Patience
As the saying goes, “Patience is a virtue.” Success will not happen overnight. It takes dogged determination over the long haul to achieve your goals.
The first step is to learn about the personality traits required to attain your goals. The second step is practice those traits until they become an integral part of who you are.
4. Optimism
Be hopeful and confident about the future successes you will achieve.
5. Self-confidence
Believe in yourself, otherwise, you’ll be plagued by feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure and your optimism with be quashed.
Relationships are like a garden; if you don’t water your garden, your connections will wither.
6. Integrity
Honesty, taking responsibility for your actions, and always telling the truth is the bedrock upon which integrity is built. People who lack integrity can only get so far before their lack of integrity catches up with them.
7. Passion
This one is obvious. It’s a critical attribute of anybody who has done great things.
8. Life-long learner
There are always more things you can learn. For example, if you’re going to create a “Run for Autism,” stay on top of all the latest news about autism. Become an expert. What’s more, learn about anything that interests you. You never know when a tidbit of knowledge might come in handy.
9. Attention to detail
If you don’t pay close attention to details, you’ll get sloppy. Successful people are not sloppy.
10. Work your network
Success is built on a network of human connections. Creating connections is the first step. The second step is to nurture them. Relationships are like a garden; if you don’t water your garden, your connections will wither.
11. Reward yourself
It’s not healthy to run at full throttle all the time. Give yourself time to do something else, like working out, taking a little vacation, meditating, or whatever floats your boat.
12. Solve problems
Don’t complain about problems—solve them.
13. Don’t waiver in a crisis
Successful people don’t lose their sense of purpose or direction in a crisis. Stay focused, cool, calm and collected.
14. Humble
Be humble. Nobody likes arrogant braggarts.
Now that you know the personality traits of successful people, the next thing to do is to make them your personality traits.